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In this section, you will find information about the SUNY Student Assembly including: Meeting Minutes, meeting Agendas and other official business documents. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the SUNY SA Advisor at

Robert's Rules FAQ:


What is Robert’s Rules of Order?

Robert’s Rules of Order is a widely used book of parliamentary procedure, that sets standardized ways of running business meetings. 


How does Robert’s Rules of Order relate to my organization’s governing documents?

Robert’s Rules of Order is considered below any governing documents of your organization, including the rules of any body it is used in. If the governing documents contradict Robert’s Rules in any way, the governing documents hold priority. 


Why is Robert’s Rules of Order useful?

Business meetings are a core part of transparency and accountability via a democratic process, and Robert’s Rules is essential in maintaining efficient and effective business meetings. They ensure that everyone’s voice can be heard, but the majority can still conduct business without being bogged down in endless debate. Furthermore, their standardized use across millions of organizations reduces the need to become familiar with each organization's unique and individual policies and procedures. 


What should I do if I have a question about a parliamentary procedure or my governing documents?

First and foremost, you should contact whatever authority exists within your student government to provide advice and resolve disputes. The SUNY Student Assembly can also provide advice, but their opinions are not in any way binding on your student government, and only serve as a supplementary opinion.

What does my student government have the authority to do?

State-operated campus student governments have significantly more autonomy than most community college student governments. State-operated campus student governments have full authority to govern their internal operations, within some limits set by SUNY. However, no student government can compel their campus to take any action. If the students of your campus want the campus to make a change, they must advocate for it and find a way to convince the campus to make that change. 


How should I use my power as a member of my student government's legislature to advocate for the issues I care about?

The powers available to particular members or officers varies from campus to campus, but generally follow the same form. Legislative business meetings facilitate the operation of the rest of the organization, and ensure accountability, transparency, and create a framework for robust discussion. However, they are not the end-all-be-all. Almost always, just passing a resolution will not result in any change whatsoever. Most change happens through extensive and sustained dialogue with campus administration, which usually takes the form of small meetings in some conference room most students will never see. Members of legislative bodies should therefore focus on ensuring the student government is operating as best it can be, and is taking these meetings to advocate for the issues they care about.


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